Weleda are having a 20% Sale on most products this January.

For my web shop click here.
I’ve shared their juicy goodness since 2017 through 1:1 consultations, which are free of charge. Ideally in person so that you can try the products, or online if you prefer.

I am in awe of this 101 year old company, set up to provide medicines for an anthroposophical clinic in Switzerland. Now they are a global organisation producing organic and /or bio-dynamic ‘cosmetics’ the term given to all facial and skin care products. One Skin Food product is sold every 5 seconds!!
Their product range includes soaps, toothpastes, face creams, body lotions, homeopathic creams and remedies, anthroposophical remedies (check out the Copper Lotion for legs if you’re on your feet all day and their variety of solutions for hay-fever sufferers is legendary. One is made in Derbyshire from locals plants and grasses).
Skin Food is their most famous range; a thick skin cream for skins that are sore, eczema, gardener’s hands etc. This has grown into a range of products. All natural and nourishing. No petroleum ingredients. Their idea is to provide nourishment to the skin, to help it heal and renew, to help us shine.
I particularly like the way they build long lasting, respectful relationships with their farmer/grower partners. If necessary helping them to become co-operatives, move into organic then bio-dynamic farming methods. I think they have over 50 partnerships globally. Weleda have proven to me time and time again that they wish us all to thrive: you, me, them, the farmers, the soil, insects, the farm workers …
When I worked for Ruskin Mill Trust I discovered their bio-dynamic farm near Sheffield. The Head Gardener there has received an award for best improved soil quality. Its news like this that brings joy to my heart at a time when mainstream farming is diminishing the quality of soil all around the world. I’ve toured and spend a few days there and I can vouch for the biodiversity and effectivity, as well as the beauty of the place.
This ethos runs through the whole of their business. I’m only involved in their UK branch but I have seen multiple times that they really truly wish for me to run my Weleda Wellbeing Advisor ‘business’ in a way that resonates with me. They prefer we just share our enthusiasm, no selling. They offer a 30 day money back guarantee for any product purchased through an advisor (like me), should it fail to win your approval. Win: Win.
Win:win is the underpinning tenant of my life (obviously a work in progress!!). So it is my great pleasure to do what I can to introduce you to some of the most elegant, fragrant, effective, clean, all natural and Gaia/Earth digestible products available in the world.
If you live locally to me (Sheffield S8) you can come to my home where I’ll take you through the range, with your skin or health in mind (or your family’s). I usually have a good range of samples. Call me to make an appointment 07776091439. I can place orders for you, for which I will receive a commission, to be collected from my home. x
My webshop click here.