I weave all manner of effective techniques into my 1:1 sessions based on what you bring to the session.
If you need deep relaxation: I’ll blend Tera-Mai reiki & seichem; light touch body work; organic essential oils to help you drop deep and let go.
If you’re feeling stuck physically, emotionally or mentally: I’ll blend the above with more targeted energy medicine. Such as working with your specific meridian points, the neurolymphic and neurovascular systems to bring ease and flow into your whole system.
Some sessions require a shamanic approach and I will bring in ritual tools designed to help you reclaim your personal power and value and to meet the parts of you that you’ve pushed away.
If you’re feeling stuck spiritually, I’ll weave in several healing modalities including but not exclusively: Seichem, Dragon Energy and Esoteric Healing.
I used organic and fairly traded essential oils and base oils. Some of my favourites are from Weleda (I’m a Weleda Wellbeing Advisor), especially their Arnica Balm and Wild Rose Body Oil.
To book email info@jobrierley.co.uk with your preferred days/times and length of session (1hr, 1&1/2hrs or 2hrs) or phone/text me on 07776091439.